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Theater | AY CARMELA!
Theater | AY CARMELA!

Sat, Aug 06



Theater | AY CARMELA!

Cristina Medina and Santiago Molero star in this new version of the classic José Sanchís.

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Aug 06, 2022, 9:00 PM


El espectáculo

Whenever you think of Ay Carmela, you think of a show with a political or protest tone, or simply a show about the civil war seen from the eyes of losers. Far from my vision, it would be pretentious to say that they are wrong visions. That is the greatness of the theater, that a text can have many different visions and surely they all contribute something, enrich it. But in the case of our Carmela, that is not our intention, we want to return to what we believe to be the origins of this text and that it is nothing more than the relationship of two poor human beings (in this case two comedians) in such a context brutal as it is a war, where the word justice is rendered deaf by the noise of the bombs.

We see Carmela as the story of two survivors that the only thing they have to survive is to need each other and that, even when one of the two is already dead, that dependency becomes more noticeable. And if Ay Carmela vindicates something, we believe it is the idea that the dead should not be forgotten, that the dead have just died when we stop remembering them.

In short, Ay Carmela is a song to survival, to the dignity of the human being, a sigh, a pain enclosed in an "Ay", it is a story told through the eyes of Paulino, a living dead man who needs to cling to the idea that the appearance of Carmela, a dead woman who comes back to life, is real and that the show must go on no matter what.

Our desire is to be able to add something new to say to a text that, in itself, is of such beauty and grandeur that it has become a classic of our contemporary drama.

...Let's listen to what Carmela and



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